History Of Ticket 35e16ffc3382a4598295761ab330a66f669121fa
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  1. Ticket change [609f64d00f] (rid 3) by nikos on 2010-07-22 19:45:33:

    1. Change severity to "Critical"
    2. Change status to "Open"
    3. Change title to "Complete the web site"
    4. Change type to "Documentation"
  2. Ticket change [63e3a38ecb] (rid 4) by nikos on 2010-07-27 17:42:58:

    1. Appended to comment:
      <hr><i>nikos added on 2010-07-27 17:42:58:</i><br>
      Now available to outside users.
    2. Change priority to "Immediate"
    3. Change resolution to "Open"
    4. Change severity to "Important"
    5. Change status to "Review"