History Of Ticket 3364b2f5eb
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  1. Ticket change [635432a3bb] (rid 218) by nikos on 2011-08-09 17:40:44:

    1. Change comment to:

      A user should be able to compute in double precision in both cpu and/or gpu (if that hardware capability is available). Thus the library should have double and single versions of the routines simultaneously.

      A user may choose at installation time to build single only, double only, or both (the default).

    2. Change severity to "Critical"
    3. Change status to "Open"
    4. Change title to "Provide double precision"
    5. Change type to "Feature_Request"
  2. Ticket change [f91c5a0a99] (rid 432) by gpapamak on 2013-04-04 22:15:30:

    1. Appended to comment:

      gpapamak added on 2013-04-04 22:15:30:
      The above was fixed in version 1.5

    2. Change priority to "Immediate"
    3. Change resolution to "Open"
    4. Change status to "Fixed"